Singles in the Local Church

December is upon us! Meaning, Doulos has been operating as a singles ministry for about one year now. As I reflected back upon starting this ministry, I kept asking myself the same questions: Did I make the right decision? Did I set the right vision? It is natural to have these questions, and I pray that God will continue to guide my convictions and this ministry forward under His Sovereign will.


Doulos was never meant to be a fellowship for singles. Instead, the ministry sought to equip singles to be a vibrant part of the local church. I wanted to emphasize the importance of the local church. You don't join a church because it has a strong singles ministry. You join a church because it has a strong gospel-centered mission. It was more important that you become a member of the church than be a member of a singles fellowship. 


In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul uses a metaphor of a human body to describe the local church. No part is a greater or lesser than the other. Singles play an important part in the life of the church just as a families play an important role for singles within the church. Paul writes:


[24] But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, [25] that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. [26] If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 


During this holiday season, how can you honor the local church? Perhaps there is a family you would like to thank. Or another member whom you would like to encourage. We are called to be part of one body and that body is not just a fellowship, but the entire local church. 


That being said, Doulos singles hubs are meant to encourage you and equip you to be a healthy member of the local church. I encourage you to come out and join us.

Gabe Lee

Gabe serves as the Associate Pastor of College and Young Adult. His primary responsibilities include overseeing the college fellowship and young adult ministry. His desire is to equip the church to be a witness by living for the glory of Christ in every sphere of life.


Undivided Conference Notes


Katy Lee’s Retirement Speech