Undivided Conference Notes

In a family-friendly church like FCBC Walnut, the singles among us can be overlooked from time to time. Fortunately, our church recognizes the value of our singles.

So, from Friday, January 31st to Saturday, February 1st, we hosted a 2nd Undivided Conference for singles. A total of 62 brothers and sisters, mostly young adults, attended this event. The main speaker was Pastor John Lee from First Baptist Church of Artesia. He preached in 3 sessions and provided a time for Q&A. The following are my notes from the conference.


Session 1: 

1 Corinthians 7:6-9


Genesis 2:18 “It is not good for man to be alone.”Although, Paul tells the unmarried and the widows in 1 Corinthians 7:8, “It is good for them to remain single, as I am.” He doesn’t see being single as a curse but as a gift.”


Obstacles that singles face:

1. Insensitivity: Constantly questioned. “Why are you still single?” Equate singleness with negativity. Easily misunderstood. 

2. Isolation: Church can be the most lonely place for singles. Peers getting married. No ministry for singles.

3. Idolness: Our isolation can feed our idols. And they are hidden, not easily seen.


Marriage can not be the ultimate solution because singleness is not the primary problem. Instead, we ought to seek Christ.


1 Corinthians 7:29-35: Paul is teaching everyone to live your life like a single, even if you are married. Singles are the undivided model to living for Christ. An undivided devotion to God. God wants singles to thrive. 


 Speaking of which, singles can thrive through it's advantages. What does singleness offer that marriage doesn't?

1. Focus: On Christ without distractions.

2. Flexibility: Power to say yes without considerations of another person.

3. Freedom: From the obligations of being married. A mobility a single has that a married person doesn't.


In short, singles can be content in their singleness, while still be desiring to be married (Prov. 18:22). Trust that God has a hand in every circumstances in our lives, whether we can see it or not.



Session 2:  

1. The planting & growth of seeds to become fruitful. This is also a responsibility for the singles. 

2. How does a single carry on their family name without offspring? For starters, offspring is more than just having children.

3. Singles can share the gospel/baptizing them, to bring about newborns in Christ through his/her spiritual family.

4. Deut. 28:11, 18, 53, 63: Obeying The Lord results in fruitfulness. Disobeying Him leads to a curse of your name, resulting in the line ending from you.


Session 3:

1. Mark 10:28 - If you see singleness as yourself, then you are inevitably to be lonely.

2. Church is the family you re-enter that new birth.

3. Singleness allows you to focus on undivided attention.

4. John 13:35: To love one another, which leads to undivided devotion to The Lord.

5. Join a good Bible-based church. Adopted to a church family via membership. From I to We.


Benefits of membership with a local church:

1. Church provides you a place to be seen. You are valued by who you are, not what you do. Should never be an overlooked member.

2. Place to be loved. Depend on one another. Privileged to be served by them, & for them to be privileged to serve you. You need to be vulnerable & honest, to allow others to know how to love the needy. Helps them grow in their love for you.

3. Place to love. Provides each brother & sister opportunities to love others. Practicing the one another's. No such thing as a "Selfish Singleness." Galatians 6:8 - Do good for all. Your service is appreciated by God & the church.


There were 2 gendered-based panels:

1. A Men's Panel (Purity in Holiness): Gabe Lee, Kevin Quan, Darren Ho, Preston Fong, & Ray Chin

2. A Women's Panel (Loving Brothers, Boyfriends, and Husbands): Leslie Ho, Alice Chin, Amy Lee, Florence Fong, & Meryl Liu


And 5 breakout sessions:

1. Brothers and Sisters Serving Together: Aaron Lee

2. Intergenerational Mentoring: Pastor Terrence Shay

3. Biblical Wisdom for Online Dating: Pastor Gabe Lee

4. Dating Well: Pastor Hanley & Meryl Liu

5. Holy Sexuality: Darren & Leslie Ho



I have three final thoughts to conclude this important conference:

1. Congregate 

2. How to best love others? Ask how to pray for them.

3. Healthy church relationships involve forgiving each other's shortcomings.


Concluding from God's word: "And let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching." (Hebrews 10:24-25)


May all the attendees gain new insights and be empowered to live-out these biblically sound and valuable lessons. I thank God for blessing this conference, and for all the hard work and dedication everyone involved behind the scenes put in with organizing! I am looking forward to Undivided Conference #3.

Peter Chow

Peter Chow is a member at FCBC Walnut and serves on the English service Ushering Team.


Christians in Community


Singles in the Local Church