Katy Lee’s Retirement Speech

It was a joy to celebrate God and Katy this past Sunday as a church. Katy's last day as our Children's Director is July 31. You can watch Katy Lee's retirement speech from Sunday!

It’s been my privilege to have served at our church for the last 12 years.

First, I want to thank Maureen and the office staff for all the coordination for today. 

Today is not really a celebration of me and what I’ve done but a celebration of God and what he’s done and continues to do.

When I came 12 years ago, I asked God for something silly. I didn’t want to look too old to the kids. I asked God to keep my hair from turning white. He graciously gave me that. I’ve never colored my hair. Now I see some white hairs coming out. It’s time to retire!

I know I’m old when I begin to say things to the kids like, in my day, candy used to cost 10 cents!


In my day we didn't have seatbelt laws, there were no school shootings, no all-gender bathrooms, and we didn’t have to go through metal detectors to get into Disneyland.

We adults often lament that the world our children are growing up in is a dangerous place. Our biggest concern is the moral and spiritual decline, and how society is influencing our children.


Do you know that we have the solution? I am not charging you to go out there and change the world to be a better place!


I am asking you to disciple one child at a time, by leading them to Jesus. In the uncertainty of life, a child's sole source of hope is found in Jesus Christ. How can anyone go through life without someone always with them to save them and guide them? Jesus is the only one who can save them. Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment that we rightly deserve for our wrongdoing.


When someone says, "Yes, I believe that Jesus died for my sins," he or she is forgiven and saved. Jesus will come into their life and guide them throughout life. They have the Ruler of the universe in them and with them, now and forever. Our children need Jesus in them and with them to navigate the complexities of this changing world.


The children may not remember Auntie Katy. That's ok. It's not about me. They don't need me. If they have Jesus in them, He will be with them forever.


Therefore, I believe that serving children is not only a tremendous privilege but also incredibly rewarding and necessary. Not always easy, but worth it. 


Many of you know that is true because you serve with me in CM in various ways, and have been serving even before I came! I wish I could name all of you to thank you, but there are a couple hundred of you! You know who you are. Thank you so much for investing your heart and soul in the children.

Many of you have prayed for me and the children. The elderly fellowship prays for us every week. I want to especially thank my prayer partners Vina, Juliana, and Alice. We have been praying together on our knees every Sunday morning at 8:30am, for almost as long as I've been here. Much of the blessings you see in the Children Ministry are God's answers to all those prayers.

Thank you to our Deacons. You are always helpful whenever I bring up a need for the children. 

Thank you to our pastoral staff, they are truly the best team any staff could ask for. As the only female, they treat me with utmost respect and care, like a queen! I will miss our staff meetings!

I have always felt supported by all the congregations for the last 12 years. You've been so gracious and willing to help whenever called upon. Your friendship and partnership has been the best part of my job.


If you are not serving in the Children Ministry, I'm here to tell you, a child's life is worthy of your time. God is bringing new families to our church every week. Yes, every week we have new children signing in. No matter what your stage of life, like my age, older, younger, there's a place for you.


I am retiring from my role, but a Christian never retires from ministry. I will continue to be an active member of this church. In fact, I will still serve in the Children Ministry, but in a role more suitable for my stage of life. I will have more time to invest in my 5 grandchildren, and to explore other areas of ministry.


As Pastor Hanley would say, this is where I land the plane! When I was interviewed by the Search Committee 12 years ago, I asked them, “What do you expect from the Children’s Director?” Tony Jue said, “Someone to advocate for the children.” I thought, yes, I want to advocate for the children! Whether or not you serve in the Children Ministry, please advocate for the children.


Thank you for this opportunity to share with you my heart. 

Katy Lee

Katy Lee is the Children's Director at FCBC Walnut. Her passion is to help parents effectively raise their children in the Christian faith.


Summer Encouragement