Summer Encouragement

Dear Young Marrieds,

Summer is here! Many of us pack our schedules with trips, playdates, and classes to make the most of our “free time.” Along the way, we might have lost sight of the big picture and find ourselves yearning for a break after our plans are complete. Colossians 3:2 says: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” How can the upcoming season serve us well if we desire to maximize its eternal impact?


We need PHYSICAL recovery. The concept of “Work hard, play hard” doesn’t leave room for us to recharge. Productive fun can come from scaling down activities while choosing to nap during the day and sleep longer at night. Even though God doesn’t need to rest, He inserted the sabbath day into creation to role-model a rhythm His image bearers need. Make space to do nothing! Your body will thank you later.


Quality time comes from Quantity time. Prioritize ways to deepen your EMOTIONAL bonds with people personally and intentionally. This goes beyond scheduling and begins with being present and attentive when you have company. Start with your spouse first and work outward from your home, through the spiritual family, and into your community.


Our relationship with God is the most important of all! If we are not abiding in Christ, our SPIRITUAL tank will run dry especially if our ministry load is full. When our eyes are set on eternity, the Holy Spirit will empower us to thrive and bear lasting fruit. Stay close to God by engaging with His Word, surrendering to His will, and praying with all faith fervently.

May our small groups serve as spiritual home bases where we can grow deep with one another this summer.

Terrence Shay

Pastor Terrence (PT) is the Family Ministry Associate Pastor at FCBC Walnut. PT has been joyfully married to Regina since 2000 and they have three wonderful children: Thomas (2004), Rachel (2008), and Tobias (2013). He considers his immediate family the primary small group and first disciples of his life and revels in journeying with them as much as possible.


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