School year begins September 6
Walnut Homeschool Community aims to support parents in their calling to disciple their children by providing a Christ centered learning community.
School Year 2024 - 2025*
Fridays, September 6, 2024 to May 16, 2025
Time (see schedule)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Registration Fee
$60 per child ($20 for teachers)
*Open to current FCBC Walnut members only. Contact [email protected] for any questions.
We are a group of families that meet and work cooperatively to aid and supplement in home educating our children through weekly classes, field trips and resource sharing.
(Click on the appropriate grade level to view schedule. Schedule subject to change)
Parent Involvement
Parents are present and actively supporting the teacher to ensure a productive learning environment.
This includes assisting with specific classroom tasks, helping students stay focused and respectful, and keeping personal conversations at a minimum during classroom instruction. Other roles may include: helping with worship/singing, taking attendance, facilitating PE activities, and planning field trips.
Contact [email protected] for any questions.
Yes. Parents will need to pack their child’s own snacks and lunch. We will not be providing food except possibly on special occasions with the parent's permission.
Yes. This is a homeschool co-op, not a drop off, where we support families by coming and working together to supplement your education at home. Therefore, a parent is expected to participate either by teaching or assisting in a class/classes.
Yes. If you have kids in multiple classes, we recommend choosing the class of the child you think would need more assistance.