Meeting Jesus, the Word of God, in my Sickness


“On Christ the Solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand” are lyrics to the chorus of a famous worship hymn, My Hope is Built on Nothing Less by Edward Mote (1836).  

The Solid Rock

This timeless hymn came to my mind when I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last October, and I realized that I needed God to take my feet out of the sinking sand of health and sickness so that I could put my hope in something more certain: Christ, the Solid Rock.  

Before my thyroidectomy, I received a very special encouragement gift from my women’s small group. They put together a collection of Bible passages, all read and recorded by members of my small group, along with a uniquely arranged instrumental background of worship music. I have not heard or seen this kind of collaborative recording done before, and I was blessed by the way it allowed me to experience God’s presence through hearing Scripture being read. I would like to share it with you on YouTube.

Glory and Victory

During my entire cancer journey and health uncertainty, I took Jesus’ daily invitation to come to Him.  I approached Him; humbled, scared, and weak, like a child.  I was reminded about the new life I have in Christ and the gift of my eternal salvation. I listened to His voice comforting me over and over—“Do not be afraid,” “Do not worry,” “Do not have fear.” I saw His glory and the victory He has over suffering and death.

Praise the Lord, for even in weakness and in suffering, I found myself hidden in His life, filled with His peace, and resting in His very Word which was sustaining me.  

Leslie Ho

Leslie is one of the AWANA team leaders. She supports her husband, Darren, who is one of the deacon candidates at FCBCW. Together, they have three children and are passionate about discipling the next generation.


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Cling to Christ, Our Hope and Peace